
Netflix is an American media streaming platform where you can watch your favorite movies and TV Shows with your devices like smartphones, smart TV, computers, etc. Founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. And in this guide, we going to discuss with you about Netflix media platform. Let’s dive in.


As we early said that Netflix is a media service based company where you can watch your favorite movies and TV. The company started in 1997 but now in 2019 Netflix has over 148 million paid users all over the world except China. Because of their local restriction.

The main Netflix headquarters situated in Los Gatos, California. Also, the company has many offices all over the world like Brazil, India, Japan, etc.

Subscription (Price)

If you want to enjoy Netflix services then you need to pay because it’s not Free. However, here you can pay weekly and monthly.

Also, there are four types of plan options available that are like.

  1. Mobile 
  2. Basic
  3. Standard
  4. Premium
As you can see, if you choose the first option then you need to pay little but if you choose the premium option then you need to pay more.

Here I share a screenshot where you see the price of each plan.

Weekly Plan
Weekly Plan
Monthly Plan
Monthly Plan


Netflix is a legal platform where you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows through your devices. However, on this page, we try to discuss with you about Netflix. I hope you like and enjoy to read the post.

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